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Web- and Podcast archives
(Audio documentaries and articles have undergone editorial review)


AfroAIDSinfo Community Outreach
On World AIDS Day 2001, the AfroAIDSinfo Web portal ( was officially launched as the online presence for the AfroAIDSinfo project. AfroAIDSinfo uses a variety of ICTs (Information Communication Technology) to disseminate HIV and AIDS knowledge to five different audiences: the general public, educators, policy makers, scientists and health professionals.

Besides the online presence, the project attends to the needs of communities with low or no internet access through community outreach projects. These include an HIV/AIDS eLearning Programme, a Peer Educators’ Training Course and a series of special events which were organised concurrently with particular celebratory days in South Africa such as Youth Day, Women’s Day and World AIDS Day since 2005.

Learners from schools, in Mitchells Plain, South Africa and Dublin in Ireland, are currently involved in the HIV/AIDS eLearning Programme. The programme creates awareness of HIV/AIDS and how to prevent it as part of both the South African and Irish schools’ curricula.

Special events were held among students at the Walter Sisulu University and University of Venda as well as at primary schools learners from Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain in the Western Cape. These events focussed on not only students and learners, but also the wider communities to allow a greater impact.

In addition to community events at the schools, the AfroAIDSinfo team prepared educators and parents from each participating school in the special events (as mentioned above) by presenting a peer educators training course.

AfroAIDSinfo celebrates 10th Anniversary
On 1 December 2011, the Medical Research Council (MRC) celebrated the tenth anniversary of the AfroAIDSinfo Project in conjunction with World AIDS Day (WAD).

AfroAIDSinfo Song of Hope

Download the ringtone or listen to the audio


AfroAIDSinfo community outreach on World AIDS day 2010
The South African Medical Research Council (MRC) is mandated to conduct health and medical research in order to disseminate reliable knowledge to its stakeholders. One such occasion was when three schools, in conjunction with the MRC’s Web & Media Technologies Platform (WMTP), commemorated Women's day on the Cape Flats, in South Africa.

Read the articles below and listen to podcasts of AfroAIDSinfo World AIDS day commemorations.

Access and Control to curb HIV

Read the article

Professor in HIV research shares importance of ARVs

Read the article

Julian Naidoo of Heart 104.9FM interviewed one of the Grade 7 learners, Dale Pomento.

Eastville Primary ties red ribbons.
Read the article

AfroAIDSinfo Song of Hope

Download the ringtone or listen to the audio

AfroAIDSinfo community outreach on Women's day 2010
The South African Medical Research Council (MRC) is mandated to conduct health and medical research in order to disseminate reliable knowledge to its stakeholders. One such occasion was when three schools, in conjunction with the MRC’s Web & Media Technologies Platform (WMTP), commemorated Women's day on the Cape Flats, in South Africa.

Read the articles below and listen to podcasts of AfroAIDSinfo Women's day commemorations.

Motivational talk by Ms Amanda Brinkmann, Special Advisor to the Minister of Health and Leader of Government Business of the Western Cape Provincial Government and the Head of the Strategic Partnerships department

On-air interview with Conray Sampson, Mitchell Heights Primary School learner

Read an article based on the podcasts

AfroAIDSinfo community outreach on Youth day 2010

Read the articles below and listen to podcasts of AfroAIDSinfo Youth day commemorations.

AfroAIDSinfo Song of Hope - Line dance performed by Liesbeeck Primary School learners, Mitchells Plain

MRC Acting President visits Mitchell’s Plain school to commemorated Youth Day 2010

Read an article based on the podcast.

MRC Acting President speaks out on the value of Youth Day

Read an article based on the podcast.

On-air interview with grade seven learner, Shanique Neethling

Read an article (MRC Acting President live on stage) based on the podcast.

AfroAIDSinfo community outreach on World AIDS day 2009
The South African Medical Research Council (MRC) is mandated to conduct health and medical research in order to disseminate reliable knowledge to its stakeholders. One such occasion was when four schools, in conjunction with the MRC’s Web & Media Technologies Platform (WMTP), commemorated World AIDS Day on the Cape Flats, in South Africa. Read more.

Read the articles below and listen to podcasts of AfroAIDSinfo World AIDS day commemorations.

HeartFM conducted interviews with
Mitchell Heights Primary School's HIV co-ordinator

and one of the learners.

Zisukhanyo schools role model reflects on 2009 activities

In-studio interview with Julian Naidoo. Read an article based on the podcast.

In-studio interview with Hendra van Zyl

During 2000 the MRC held a workshop that was attended by national and international role players in the field of HIV and AIDS. The outcome of this workshop was the concept of a project with an online presence that catered for five audiences namely: The General Public, Educators, Scientists, Policy Makers and Health Professionals. The AfroAIDSinfo Web portal was officially launched on World AIDS Day in 2001. It was also decided that community projects would be run in parallel to the online portal to enable the dissemination of HIV/AIDS information to those who have little or no access to the Web. Highlights of these community projects include a peer educators’ course, focussing on HIV awareness, education and prevention. AfroAIDSinfo is also involved in organising HIV awareness events at primary schools in Mitchells Plain aligned with Women’s Day, Youth day and World AIDS Day. The overall theme of the project is to develop youth leadership in an HIV context. Extensive use is made of radio broadcasting and a role model also visits these schools as part of the events’ programmes. Learner activities are developed and aligned to the curriculum and the trained peer educators conduct a programme at these events with attending parents. AfroAIDSinfo runs a collaborative eLearning project in a secure area of the Web portal. The focus of this innovative project is knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer between disadvantaged schools in the Western Cape and collaborating schools in Ireland. For the online component of the project, regular consumer health informatics studies are conducted to ensure that the suitable technologies are used to convey HIV information to specific audiences and that the information needs of these audiences are addressed.

In-studio interview with Marike Kotze

The purpose of AfroAIDSinfo’s online presence is to be a knowledge providing and sharing portal to five audiences: The General Public; Educators; Health Professionals; Scientists and Policy Makers. Through the application of quality assurance methodologies, reliable and up to date information on HIV and AIDS is provided to these audiences and applicable to each field of interest. On the AfroAIDSinfo Web portal there are current awareness feeds, which are updated weekly with the latest news in each field and once a month articles are published, relevant to each audience. eNewsletters are distributed once a month with relevant information for each of the five audiences. Users can subscribe to the eNewsletter by registering for free on the portal.  Articles of the community activities regularly appear and include event resources and podcasts of interviews.

In-studio interview with Pieter Visser

AfroAIDSInfo uses various innovative ways to disseminate HIV information. These include curriculum-aligned activities, developed by the educational content developer, Pieter Visser to bring the message of awareness and prevention home. These activities are packaged for the different school grades and are available on the AfroAIDSinfo Web portal after community outreach events. Activities are focussed mainly on the transfer of knowledge, development of HIV preventative skills, and to manage the disease properly. These activities and lesson plans aim to become additional classroom resources.  Educators, learners and parents can find reliable information on the AfroAIDSinfo Web portal on HIV, how the virus is spread and how to manage the disease.

In-studio interview with Elmarie van Wyk

Part of the AfroAIDSinfo community outreach is the presentation of a peer educators’ course that is aligned to an NQF-level 4. The aim of this course is for participants to gain sufficient knowledge on HIV and AIDS to be able to take on the role of educating peers within the school and community on the disease. The course was developed with school educators and parents in mind and is presented by an educator and HIV experts. It uses a participative and interactive approach, making extensive use of group activities to demonstrate concepts. The course consists of three sections: HIV knowledge transfer and growth; development of skills and motivational techniques to work with vulnerable youth and marginalised groups; and understanding the theory of peer education.

AfroAIDSinfo community outreach on Women's Day 2009

AfroAIDSinfo community outreach on Youth Day 2009

  • Listen to audio documentaries by Mr Hilton Donson (MRC Scientist) on leadership, violence, suicides and HIV.
  • Listen to audio documentaries conducted by HeartFM with a learner and a community member of Liesbeeck Primary School.
    • Read an article based on the audio documentaries


AfroAIDSinfo community outreach on World AIDS Day 2008

  • Listen to an audio documentary by Mr Hoffman  (Principal of Liesbeeck Primary School)
  • Listen to an audio documentary conducted with learners and Mrs Braaf of Liesbeeck Primary School.
    • Read an article based on the audio documentaries.

AfroAIDSinfo community outreach on Women’s Day 2008

  • Listen to an audio documentary by Ms Thebus (Principal of Mitchell Heights Primary School)
    • Read an article based on the audio documentary.
  • Listen to an audio documentary prepared by Janus Snyders and read an accompanying article of the interview conducted with Dr Naeema Abrahams of the MRC Gender and Health Research Unit.

AfroAIDSinfo community outreach on Youth day 2008

  • Listen to audio documentaries by Mr Graham Stark (Principal of Eastville) and Mrs Heynes (HIV Coordinator)
    • Read an article based on the audio documentaries.
  • Listen to audio documentaries by MRC Scientist on healthy choices

Discussion on the link between HIV and substance with special reference to the abuse of tik. (English)

Part 1 listen (mp3 format)

Part 2 listen (mp3 format)

Community outreach on vaccine trials. (English)

Part 1 listen (mp3 format)

Part 2 listen (mp3 format)

Part 3 listen (mp3 format)

Discussion on HIV prevention in township communities (isiXhosa)

Part 1 listen (mp3 format)

Part 2 listen (mp3 format)

Part 3 listen (mp3 format)

Read about an AfroAIDSinfo World AIDS day event held at the Intshayelelo Primary School

Youth day 2006 celebrations at the MRC.
listen(mp3 format)

MRC's contribution at the 2nd South African AIDS conference, 2005
(mp3 format)

Where are the AIDS deaths in the South African Mortality Statistics?
listen(mp3 format)

AfroAIDSinfoTM - the use of portal technology to fight the epidemic.
(mp3 format)

Preventing transmission from mother to child while breastfeeding - what does the most recent evidence say?
(mp3 format)

Media's role in combating the epidemic
(mp3 format)

Preventing HIV transmission to children: quality of counselling of mothers in South African pilot sites
(mp3 format)

Where are we at in the development of an AIDS vaccine?
(mp3 format)

How do I listen to a podcast?
  1. Mouse over the word "podcast."
  2. Right-click (CTRL + click on a Mac) and select "Save Target As."
  3. You will then see the 'Save As' window.
  4. Save the file in your desired location.
  5. Click 'Save.'

Once the download is complete, you may listen to the mp3 file on your computer using Windows Media Player, Real Player, QuickTime or iTunes; or, upload the file to your mp3 player.

What is a webcast?
Webcasting allows an Internet user to listen or view an event online. It basically works like this: an event is taped and then fed into a computer that uses software to compress the audio and video into a single digital "video" file. This file is then transmitted via the Internet to a "streaming media" server. When you connect with RealPlayer or Windows Media Player, the streaming server transmits the video file at a rate appropriate to the available network bandwidth.

How to view a webcast?
To view a webcasts, you will need to have a recent version of Windows Media Player (recommended 7.1) installed on your computer. For best results, view with version 3.0 or higher of Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Note: While most computers already have Windows Media Player installed, you may download the most recent version using the following links:

If you experience problems listening to the webcast
Our webcast consist of audio interviews with individuals that have either been pre-recorded or is "broadcasted live".

  • When you click the webcast link, your Windows operating system should automatically load and start playing the interviews using the Windows Media Player.
  • If it does not start automatically, you might have to click the Play button - and ensure that your volume is turned on.
  • A short time will be required before the audio file start playing while connection is made to our network. A message "buffering ..." will display during this time.
  • If the streaming is slow or broken, the buffering needs to be set. Do it by opening the Windows Media Player and click the Tools menu, then choose Options, Performance and set buffer on 30 seconds.
  • If you still experience problems, you should check the protocol settings. Do it in the Windows Media Player by clicking the Tools menu, then choose Options, Network. Ensure that the only protocol with a tick mark is http. It might also be necessary that you set the proxy which you do by clicking the Configure button. On the next screen click "Use the following proxy server:" Now enter your proxy address and port number (you should find the details from your system administrator.)
  • If you still do not manage to hear the audio file, you can copy the link to the interview and in the Windows Media Player, click File, Open URL and paste the link.
  • If you still experience problems, find out from your system administrator if audio streaming is allowed in your organisation.

This broadcast was compiled by the MRC Production Studio. Visit to order a documentary.

Last updated: September 2009

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