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button South African HIV Clinicians Society Conference, 24-27 September, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
button 3rd Antivirals Congress, 12-14 October, 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Public current awareness


  • Herpes, a co-factor for HIV transmission
    (2 June 2014)
    A government study in the South African provinces: Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, Western and Northern Cape, found that 90% of HIV-positive pregnant women were also infected with herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) virus. This virus cause blisters on the genitals, making it easier for HIV to enter the body. HSV-2 is therefore a significant co-factor for HIV transmission. Read more.

  • The ‘ins and outs’ of HIV
    (27 May 2014)
    This article gives you full detail on risks for HIV infection and prevention methods. A video on myths and facts accompanies the information. Read more.

  • Shingles and HIV infection
    (19 May 2014)
    Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine investigated if certain medical conditions might increase the risk for individuals to develop shingles. They explained that it is five times as probably for people with HIV to develop shingles, but due to safety concerns, they cannot be given the shingles vaccine. New strategies are necessary to reduce the risk of shingles among patients with serious suppression of the immune system response. Read more.

  • Myths being spread about HPV vaccine
    (12 May 2014)
    In March 2014, the South African Departments of Health and Basic Education launched a school-based campaign to vaccinate young girls nine years and older against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Sexual contact is the most common route for HPV infection, with certain strains causing cervical cancer. Messages sent to parents via social networks in the North West Province warned parents not to vaccinate their daughters. However, this vaccine underwent thorough testing for safety and used globally according to health officials. Read more.

  • HIV-positive – now what?
    (6 May 2014)
    AIDSMAP offers support in the form of answers to frequently asked questions based on HIV diagnosis. Examples include “How is HIV treated? Can HIV be cured? What can I expect to happen to me? Can I still have a baby?” Read more.

  • HIV and Melanoma
    (29 April 2014)
    In Australia and the United Kingdom, researchers found that fairer skinned HIV-positive people had a bigger chance of developing Melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Light skinned, HIV-positive people should therefore go for screening if they notice any suspicious skin lesions. Read more.

  • Potential of community-based interventions for HIV-testing
    (22 April 2014)
    The United States National Institute of Mental Health’s Project ACCEPT is a trial to assess a blend of social, behavioural and structural HIV-prevention interventions within communities in Africa and Thailand. They found that HIV-testing in these communities increased by 45%. Members of these communities had fewer sexual partners, understood the importance of testing, and had a lower rate of new infections. .

  • All you need to know about PEP
    (19 April 2014)
    Post-exposure prophylaxis, also known as PEP, is given to individuals who think they may have been exposed to HIV. One can get it at clinics in almost all areas and is especially important to take PEP if sexually assaulted or having had a needle injury. The following article explains in detail how PEP works, how effective it is, who should use it, the risk and side effects, as well as how to access it. Read more.

Fast facts

  • Did you know that a new intra-vaginal ring filled with an antiretroviral drug has been developed to last for one month? The ring, developed by Patrick Kiser of the NorthWestern University has been tested to work 100% in achieving HIV-protection on monkeys, and will soon undergo its first human test. (30 September 2013)

  • Global situation and trends

News items on sexual violence

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Last updated: 2 June, 2014

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